David's Recovery Journey
Earlier this year I shared a story about David, a 62 year old man who saw Monica Day’s coverage of our new [Good] Intentions Program and courageously walked in the shop to tell us his personal story of addiction, loss, and recovery.
It was not exactly the way we envisioned our program working—participants were to be referred by non-profit partners, not walk in on their own—but after speaking to David and his counselor in the recovery program Basecamp Recovery Center, we just had to ask David to become the first person to join our [Good] Intentions program. His story was exactly the vision we had for a program that supported deserving people in need!
David is now more than one year sober with his life on much more solid ground. He recently returned from Atlanta where he attended his granddaughter’s high school graduation in his new suit.
Our team was so taken by this one story, this one inspiring individual. We couldn’t shake the idea that if one individual’s story could be so powerful, just imagine the good we could do supporting 214 individuals. We hope you’ll take inspiration from his story, the way we have, as Bradley Williams captured it here.
Thank you to those who support our [Good] Intentions program and who shop with us, allowing us to do the work we feel so strongly called to do in our community.